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The spirit of pride-why you need to silence it

Life is full of all kind of people with different characteristics. We are created to be happy and live in love with one another, to be contented with what we have and to avoid jealousy, envy and hatred. In spite of the gift of nature to man, something in him repels him at times; it makes him loose the sense of himself. He is affected by angers, jealousy and most especially revenge which is as a result of pride in him. Anger, jealousy and revenge are dangerous emotions and it’s milieu allow these vices to control him, he become easily irritated and always ready to fight on every issues.

A pride man learns to win people by argument he sees himself as the God father and you are either with him or against him even when he seem to be on the wrong track, his belief is only in himself and set himself above others. He is easily provoked, he feels insulted and the pride in him surfaces. He feels insulted and degraded; his reaction become a kick back (Revenge). His action is sort of a fight for an injured EGO. The deflated ego wages war, war that can cause harm to man who may mean well but misunderstood. He never wants anybody to be above him, in his working place or even in the community. It is the cause of pride that leads to revenge. Pride gives us an exaggerated sense of ourselves and false greatness. Pride makes us think we are wise, it make us to forget our true identity and makes us claimed to be what we are not making us to forget that there is nothing to boost about in human. We need to develop the spirit of humility, humility spare us from revenge and makes us to admit our limitation as man. Humility allows other to help us to see in us what we have not seen in ourselves.

Humility makes us to relate with those that possess what we lack; thereby developing us. No man is an Island or supernatural we all need somebody to watch our back, to help us up when we are down, to give us the push we need when it seem where are far backward. A tree can not make a forest nor can a player make a team, we develop in unity and develop our world through cooperation. Imagine a world where the least person can rendered his services without complaint of been oppressed. Many countries in the world suffered as a result of pride either from their arrogant and non considerable leader or those from the developed world. Pride is as a result of material abundance and power. Why must we let ourselves be control by riches, we tends to exercise power and authority over our fellow humans. We make others suffered as a result of our false ego. Let’s change our ways, let’s be the change we want, remember this God resists the proud but gives graces to the humble. Know that the highest proof of virtue is to provide countless power without abusing it.

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